Monthly Archives: June 2013

Hello world!

Sky Soft




It is a day just like all the others before …

You raise up in bed, turn and drop your legs over the side and onto the floor.  How can you know that you will come back to this spot at the end of the day a changed person?  Nothing will ever be the same.  Ever.

On this page…and the many pages to follow…in the coming weeks and months…this day and the many that have passed by since will be shared by the survivor…me.

If I have anything of value to say…it owes much to the love that has changed…and continues to change me…from the arrogant, self-righteous person I used to be…to the semi-arrogant, semi-self-righteous person I am still struggling to control, manage, and change.  Join me in the battle.  At the very least, you will feel much better about your own struggles.

Thanks for dropping in today.  I hope you will check back in with me in the days ahead.



December, 2013:  The Lord’s Prayer

  • Do you say debts, sins or trespasses?  What difference does it make?
  • What does this prayer sound like in Aramaic, the language of Biblical times?
  • Who was the Singing Nun?
  • Did you know American Indians translated the Lord’s Prayer into sign?
  • Where can I find remembrances and keepsakes of this prayer for myself, my home and my friends?