Category Archives: Meditations

4. Presumption


The presumptuous man…if he yields to anger and despairs of advancing in the way of virtue, it is evident that he has placed his confidence in himself and not God.   (SC 11, Chapter 4)

All day long, my spirit has been unsettled.

First thing this morning, my ears caught the sound of my husband preparing his regular fried egg breakfast.  I wondered if he was going to leave another trail of egg on the stovetop to clean up.

An hour later, it was the driver who missed the left turn arrow and kept us at the red light a second time.  After that, I glared at the driver racing around me on the freeway entrance ramp.

Home from the store, working in the garden where God’s creation literally beckons me to stop and look to heaven, my mind continued to rehearse all the tensions of our neighborhood locked in a year-long dispute over management decisions.

Even as I prayed, “Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner,” my mind looped around to multiple unresolved problems.  Would our neighborhood come to a decision without involving attorneys, would I ever find a part-time job, were my husband and I prepared for retirement…?”  Each worry was linked to the next worry.

Finally, at the end of the day, I am worn out.  When I am honest with myself, we live a charmed life.  I am reminded every morning in the Lord’s Prayer that we have never suffered one day without our daily bread.  We live in a nation where we are secure and safe in our homes.

So, why don’t our blessings shine brighter in my spirit?  Why can’t I still my mind?  Why do I dwell on problems I cannot resolve and on problems that may never become a reality?  Why am I provoked by little things…egg on the stove…who makes it to the end of the freeway on-ramp first?

I know I am supposed to trust in the Lord, to take his yoke upon me and learn from Him.  If only I could truly trust in Him, I would find rest for my soul.  [Mat 11:29-30]

Night is here, the sliver of a moon is bright.  But how can I possibly rest?  I know what I am supposed to do, to trust in the Lord.  But after my failures today, how will I ever manage tomorrow?

Question:  Today, Lord, why do I fail to turn my worries over to You?


Lord, help me see the trust of a child who places his hand in his parent’s hand.  Help me to be that child, trusting in you, my Father.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths. [Prov 3:5-6]


3. Trust in God

…contemplate with an ardent faith the immense power and infinite wisdom of the Supreme Being…Balancing what we fear from ourselves with what we hope from God, we shall courageously undergo the greatest difficulties and severest trials.  Joining these weapons to prayer, as we shall see later, we shall be able to execute the greatest plans and gain decisive victories.  (SC 9-10, Chapter 3)

God’s gift of humility…an open door for God…

As a concept, we have no problem in embracing humility.  In practice?  Well, that is quite another matter.

Humility?  My first tendency is to compare myself with others.  And who do I choose for my comparison?  I conjure up painful experiences with arrogant, abusive, dismissive blowhards and count myself better than they.  Humble?

Challenges?  I think of God, of His love, His truth, His power.  How many disputes have I set for myself to solve, gathering all my resources and planning my strategies and arguments?  When I find time, I will talk with God…if there is time.  Humble?

Prayer?  I make a plan to read the Gospels…later…when I can find the time.  I receive God’s love in brief reflective moments.  Then I get busy.  I tackle the daily task at hand, following my own plans, using my own intellect and exerting my own power to make it all come together.  Humble?

Then…what frustration grips my spirit when the task at hand falls apart!  I redouble my efforts.  I Google for new information.  I accuse people who thwarted my plan.  Humble?

Where is God in my life?  I put Him high on a shelf and tell Him I will get back to Him later…when I have time.  On an intellectual level, I know God is Supreme.  But in my life, He has become an afterthought.

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established. [Prov 19:21]

I want to hold onto two things that are irreconcilable.  I want to control my life.  And I want God to help me control my life.  I cannot both hold the reins of my life and let God hold the same reins.

Without humility, I will hold onto the reins for dear life.  The door meant for God to enter is closed.  Humility is the measure of where I place my trust.  Do I trust God enough to let go?

Let go?  Only if I am humble enough to let God be God.  Supreme.  All-powerful.  All-loving.

Question:  Today, Lord, what plans have I laid that have not yet been submitted to You?


God, with true distrust in myself and complete trust in You, help me in true humility to release my ego and grab onto Your hand.


“O Lord, God of our fathers, art thou not God in heaven? Dost thou not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations? In thy hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand thee.”  [Jehoshaphat’s Prayer, Phil 3:7-9]



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2. Distrust of Self


…although in ourselves we are nothing, we are too apt to overestimate our own abilities and to conclude falsely that we are of some importance.  This vice springs from the corruption of our nature.  But the more natural a thing is, the more difficult it is to be discovered. (SC 6-7, Chapter 2)

It is not a message to warm the souls of people these days.  Distrust thyself?

In fact, modern mega-churches seem built today for the express purpose of teaching us that we indeed are mega-strong…all-powerful, all capable.  We not only can “do it.”  We can do it ALL.  This weekly message from the pulpit meets a deep human need, a godly hand-up offered to encourage us and pull us out of despair and discouragement.

But the message, lacking a godly foundation, is a false promise and a boastful claim.  So what is this foundation we need?

Following the plans of the Architect of our life, we must build the structure of our life from the ground up.  We must first meditate upon our own weakness.  Consider the fact that, being nothing in ourselves, we cannot without Divine assistance, accomplish the smallest good or advance the smallest step towards Heaven.[i]

We are not the foundation of our success.  There is a reason that pride is named as the Father of all Sins, a reason why all human virtues are fueled with humility.

God is not going to fight us for His right to guide us.  If we are secure in our own power and wisdom, He will not interfere.  He comes to our aid only by invitation.

We must open the door for God.  We must bend a knee and entreat Him.  And His presence in our heart is not for the purpose of celebrating our human strength.  He is there to guide, teach, heal, correct, forgive, and love.

God’s power in our life is both the foundation and the summit of any strength we might have.  But His strength will only fuel our life in the absence of our own prideful claim to personal power.

Humility empties a space in our soul for God to enter.  We are weak.  We are prone to sin.  We are sons and daughters of Adam and Eve.  This distrust of our own strength is a gift from Heaven, bestowed by God on those He loves.[ii]

When we wake one morning and are struck by our weakness, our failures, and our sins, there is no need to give up.  Bend a knee.  And give thanks to God.

God’s gift of humility is the foundation we need to be truly strong, a strength sent from above into a heart that has opened the door and made space.

Question:  Today, Lord, what have I done to take control away from You?


God, enlighten me that I may see myself as You see me and to celebrate Your wisdom and love that helps me grow in holiness and trust in You.


But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ.  Indeed I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.  For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as refuse, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him…  [Phil 3:7-9]

i.  SC 7
ii. SC 7



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1. Path of Perfection


But remember that as no war can be carried on with greater fierceness, the forces, no other than ourselves, being equal on both sides, so the victory when gained is most pleasing to God and most glorious to the conqueror.  (SC 5 Chapter 1)

When the new week dawns, I will meet with attorneys to outline the course of our battle ahead.

This is not the first time a conflict has required consult and enlistment of forces.  No matter how many laws exist to define justice, man has no limits to the ways he might cheat, lie, and assault.

On the other side of the world, battle lines are drawn not with lawyers, but with swords, tanks, and poison gas.  Another battle over property, but the stakes are life-threatening.

Battles, pitting good guy against bad, trace their existence back to Cain and Abel.  An enemy, the fight, the roar and clash of swords until…a winner is declared.

What kind of battle is this, The Spiritual Combat?  I am both the enemy and comrade, wielding sword against sword, my right hand versus my left.  I turn right, then left, defending…then attacking…all against myself.

The source of conflict?  The law under siege?

The law of Love.  God’s command, His entreaty.  Love one another as I have loved you.  Love your enemies as yourself.  I look for an exception.  Even one.  How could God expect me to love the man who flies the plane delivering bombs?

The battle against my brother is, above all else, a battle fought inside myself, a heart divided…my heart…one soul, but two hearts in need of conversion.

Question:  What is the barrier to loving my enemy?


God, help me to see my enemy through Your eyes, his Creator, and to know Your love that fills and covers each of us.


“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.  [Mat 5:43-45]



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A Basil Bush

Quote: God who gives the wound gives the salve.
~~Miguel de Cervantes


Today I bought a small pot of basil.  Unfortunately, it was the only pot on the shelf and a terrible specimen.  Years ago I might have been fooled into thinking it beautiful, but an unexpected garden lesson taught me the truth.

Twenty years ago I grabbed my first packet of basil seed in an urgent wild determination to have an herb garden.  Never mind that my cooking was the bare-bones, onion-is-good-in-everything, style.  Never mind that I didn’t recognize the names of half the packages in my hand, including basil.  I would learn.

My first wonder at planting those packets of seeds was in how very teeny, tiny and almost non-existent they were.  They showed up like heavy dust at the bottom of the packet.  My garden book taught me a trick that helped to spread them out over several square feet:  mix them into a tablespoon of sand and toss!

Once planted, I made their potential lives impossible, if not miraculous.  I raked them into the soil too vigorously and showered them generously with mulch.  Buried under too much soil, they had no hope of growing tall enough to reach sunshine.  The birds didn’t mind.  I don’t know how, but bird eyes and noses can find a minuscule basil seed under half an inch of soil.

Imagine my shouts of joy two weeks later, as here and there, I found lucky herb plant sprouts around the garden.  One stubborn basil sprout grew tall and proud at the corner post closest to the path.  I loved to check its progress upward every morning.  What joy I felt as it reached eight inches tall!

And what despair I knew the next day when I discovered it broken off just above the bottom leaves!  It was more than I could bear.  I quit looking to the corner of the garden in the mornings.

Weeks later, on a leisurely day where I could poke and prod under and around plants checking for ripe squash and tomatoes I came upon a lovely small bush in the corner where my broken basil had been.  It bushed out in three large branches close to the ground in brilliant emerald green, and it smelled delicious.  It smelled Italian!  Basil!!

I broke off the ends of the stems and ran into the house to find a recipe for my first herb harvest.  Over the weeks, as my cooking improved, we continued to break off the ends of the basil limbs for new recipes.  Undeterred, the basil bush grew and grew.  Visitors to our garden commented, “I’ve never seen such a beautiful basil bush!”

Succeeding gardens taught me the secret of my basil plant.  It must be pruned early and continuously.  At every juncture where a sprig of basil is harvested, two or more new branches will grow.

I’ve also learned this is God’s secret with me.  While I would like to have my life grow untamed and free from pain, God knows the power of pruning.  Carefully, he pinches off a life option here, but he opens two doors for me there.  Firmly, he breaks off my prideful branches and waits for humility to grow in their place.  And the more I turn to His Word, the more he teaches me about the pruning I need and come to expect.

The basil plant I bought yesterday is tall and stringy, eight inches tall in one strong stem.  But I know how to fix it.  I know it has the makings of a beautiful bush.


Scripture:  My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.  Pro 3:11-12


Meditations:  In the Garden


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