Monthly Archives: November 2014


Praying Hands Color




Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

I have never been shy to speak my mind.  This “talent” however, requires great humility…a quality I am still waiting for Jesus to install in me.  (Yes, install!  If He does not put it into me by His own force, I fear I will never live to see it instilled in me.)

I had walked into my first RCIA class with great anticipation.  I left the class gasping for air.

Two months later, the only thing left for me to do was pray.  And pray I did.  I am still praying.

This is not to say that I did not think of extreme measures – buying a ticket to Rome and showing Vatican Frontup at the Vatican, pounding on the door.

But all dramatic impulses set aside, I knew I would only stand at the Vatican door, knock politely and speak with the receptionist in the front foyer (if there is a foyer).  And the Pope would either be out of town or unavailable.  After all, I’m not even one of his flock – a Catholic inside the fold.  And that would leave me several thousand dollars short and standing there at the desk without a ticket to enter, right where I am today…on the outside of the church.

There was only one thing worse than not being able to speak with the Pope.  I had to remember that echos don’t always come back to you.

What if I managed to present my case to the Pope…

What if the Pope listened with complete attention…

What if the Pope was as kind and loving as he always is…

…and what if the Pope told me to go back to the parish and talk with my priest?

Vatican CardinalsWhat if this really is the best that the Catholic Church can do…or that the Catholic Church is willing to do?

What if the full wisdom of the Catholic Church says that it is OK to charge a person $60 to learn about Christ and His Church?  That it takes ten months to be smart enough to follow Christ?

What if the full wisdom of the Catholic Church says that for the right amount of money, for enough charitable acts of mercy, for enough months…or years waiting to enter the Church…a person can learn enough…and prove enough…to merit coming into the fold of the Great Shepherd?

What if there really is a bottom to the well at the Vatican…and…

What if the echo were to come back and knock me to my knees?

Lord, let me catch my breath…

Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.






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WellWhen you shout into a well, the sound of your shout travels down the well and is reflected (echoes) off the surface of the water at the bottom of the well. If you measure the time it takes for the echo to return and if you know the speed of sound, you can calculate the depth of the well fairly accurately.


[See: DEAR DEBORAH, Page 2 – RCIA v1.2]


Echo is something you have experienced many times.  In nature, if you shout into a well or a canyon, the echo comes back a moment later.  But if you have not had the joy of hearing your voice come back to you across the hills, you most certainly have had the pleasure of hearing the voices of others enhanced by echos.

In music, the use of acoustic echo and reverberation effects dates back many hundreds of years. An echo chamber, a hollow enclosure used to produce reverberated sounds, is used regularly in modern recording studios. Medieval and Renaissance sacred music relied heavily on the composers’ extensive understanding and use of the complex natural reverberation and echoes inside churches and cathedrals.

Hamilton MausoleumOne of the most unexpected echo chambers was created in the construction of the Hamilton Mausoleum.

The interior has one of the longest-lasting echos of any building in the world, a phenomenon dramatically demonstrated to visitors by slamming the entrance doors.

Another curiosity of the interior architecture is the “Whispering Wa‘s” or walls. Two people can stand at either end of one of the curved interior walls, facing away from each other into the niche of the wall, and hold a Hamilton Domewhispered conversation. The remarkable acoustics of the walls project the sound to the listener at the other side.

Echos from  mountaintops and from inside cathedrals are delightful surprises.

Echos in music studios are required mechanics.

Echos in human relationships – well…they are either delightful or painful, depending on who sends the echo back to you.

And then there are the times when the well has no bottom and the echo never comes back.

My letter to Deborah was one of many attempts at shouting from the hilltop.

Cross FiligreeMy first thought was to reach out to the experts of evangelization on EWTN’s program, The Journey Home.  Calling their ministry, I reached one of their key people who quickly responded to my first complaint.  “That’s unconscionable, charging money for the class.  In my parish, we actually make gifts to class members…a Bible and rosary beads.  We bring catechisms to class for them to use.”  Encouraged, I asked him what I could do about it…who would set things right in my parish.

Cross FiligreeMy hopes were quickly dashed.  “RCIA is designed in each parish,” he said, “and it’s not the church’s responsibility to tell them how to run their program.  Wait a couple of years until you are inside the church and then see what you can do in your own parish to bring about change for the parish.  Or you can go to another parish.”  Not the echo I had hoped for.

Cross FiligreeI called the U.S. Council of Bishops, asking for the office that deals with RCIA curricula.  “That is handled in each parish.  Talk to your priest.  We don’t handle that here.”  An echo of disengagement.

Cross FiligreeI called the parish class leader of RCIA to ask about the fee of $60 for the class.  She said the fee was already part of the RCIA program when she came to the parish and had agreed to lead the class.  An uninformed echo.

Cross FiligreeI called the education office for the Diocese and asked for the priest I had heard on our local  radio station.  The receptionist said he would love to speak to me because they had been discussing improvements in educational programs.  I left a message.  Anticipation of an echo.

Cross FiligreeThe priest at the Diocese called me back.  “That’s not my role to tell parishes how to run their programs.”  No, he didn’t want to speak to me.  An echo of sour notes.

Cross FiligreeI let it rest…except for the letter sent to Deborah…and another short e-mail asking help from Wella University Professor host on EWTN who had recently been appointed by the Vatican to help direct efforts in the New Evangelization.  At least, neither Deborah nor the Professor sent me a disappointing echo.

They sent no echo at all.  My efforts had gone down a well with no bottom.



*Names have been changed.





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Artificial Light


Arizona MapTomorrow, in Phoenix, Arizona, it is forecast to be nearly the same temperature as today.  What does that mean?

Based on the history of weather in Phoenix, you can pretty much count on a sunny day.

Amount of Sun

How much sunshine does a city get? The % Sun number measures the percentage of time Sunshinebetween sunrise and sunset that sunshine reaches the ground. These amounts are yearly averages based on many years of weather observations.  For Phoenix…85% of our days are sunny…and partly sunny…296 of 365 days in Phoenix are lit by the sun in heaven.

Living in Phoenix, a person comes to expect sun as the normal state of life on planet earth.  We have HOT sun in the summer…and COOL sun in winter…we don’t really know what COLD is like.  COLD is impossible on a sunny day.

The sun…light…natural light from above…we take it for granted…as if it always has been, is Daisynow, and ever will be.  We forget.  Without light, life would cease to exist.

Jesus was announced as more than The Truth and The Way.  Jesus, above all, is The Light, the very source and foundation of life as we know it.  Life exists because Jesus exists.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”  [John 8:12 NRSVCE]

This claim of Christ made more sense to us in the days before Thomas Edison gave us Daisy Fieldincandescence light in all its 20-40-60-100 watt varieties…bulbs, flashlights, LEDs, and florescent tubes.  Awash in artificial man-made light, it seems inconceivable that we would need God to shine on our field of daisies.  Inconceivable…but not impossible.

God’s Light?  It requires faith, the kind of faith birthed in humility…the humility that knows Edison’s light Pilgrim Backpackmay help us see our way up to the front door…but that Edison’s light will never help us find our way through life. Edison’s light will never BE the WAY.

Living in Phoenix, Arizona, with 296 days of sunlight each year, it can take a long time for a person to understand the difference between real light and artificial light.  At least…that’s how it happened for me.

LOOKING FOR SIGNS OF LAND…for years I had been free-sailing, floating where ever the currents and storms of life might take me, grabbing the wheel whenever I wanted.  Now I knew there was a better way…a truer way…to live life…if only I could figure it out.  I was now quite certain that land existed.  But where?

In my faith journey, I finally had the Light.  But I didn’t have clarity.


If you are just joining the journey…




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