Tag Archives: Faith

Artificial Light


Arizona MapTomorrow, in Phoenix, Arizona, it is forecast to be nearly the same temperature as today.  What does that mean?

Based on the history of weather in Phoenix, you can pretty much count on a sunny day.

Amount of Sun

How much sunshine does a city get? The % Sun number measures the percentage of time Sunshinebetween sunrise and sunset that sunshine reaches the ground. These amounts are yearly averages based on many years of weather observations.  For Phoenix…85% of our days are sunny…and partly sunny…296 of 365 days in Phoenix are lit by the sun in heaven.

Living in Phoenix, a person comes to expect sun as the normal state of life on planet earth.  We have HOT sun in the summer…and COOL sun in winter…we don’t really know what COLD is like.  COLD is impossible on a sunny day.

The sun…light…natural light from above…we take it for granted…as if it always has been, is Daisynow, and ever will be.  We forget.  Without light, life would cease to exist.

Jesus was announced as more than The Truth and The Way.  Jesus, above all, is The Light, the very source and foundation of life as we know it.  Life exists because Jesus exists.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”  [John 8:12 NRSVCE]

This claim of Christ made more sense to us in the days before Thomas Edison gave us Daisy Fieldincandescence light in all its 20-40-60-100 watt varieties…bulbs, flashlights, LEDs, and florescent tubes.  Awash in artificial man-made light, it seems inconceivable that we would need God to shine on our field of daisies.  Inconceivable…but not impossible.

God’s Light?  It requires faith, the kind of faith birthed in humility…the humility that knows Edison’s light Pilgrim Backpackmay help us see our way up to the front door…but that Edison’s light will never help us find our way through life. Edison’s light will never BE the WAY.

Living in Phoenix, Arizona, with 296 days of sunlight each year, it can take a long time for a person to understand the difference between real light and artificial light.  At least…that’s how it happened for me.

LOOKING FOR SIGNS OF LAND…for years I had been free-sailing, floating where ever the currents and storms of life might take me, grabbing the wheel whenever I wanted.  Now I knew there was a better way…a truer way…to live life…if only I could figure it out.  I was now quite certain that land existed.  But where?

In my faith journey, I finally had the Light.  But I didn’t have clarity.


If you are just joining the journey…




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DEAR DEBORAH, Page 2 — RCIA v.1.2

[See DEAR DEBORAH, Page 1]

Writer Ink Well Scroll


Thanks, Deborah,

Thanks for your notes about RCIA.  I do think it is great to let parishes customize their programs.  The people leading the program I attended are well-intentioned.  But the bottom Fence Ironline is that their program is full of barriers for people just coming to faith in general or specifically exploring the Roman Catholic [RC] faith.  The largest number of attendees that night had a vested interest in becoming Catholic…principally in joining their spouse in the Catholic faith or coming back to the church with confession and reconciliation.

Hopefully, a full picture of the first class is conveyed from this list:

  • The RCIA class series (September to April) costs $60.  People were told they can pay all at one time or break it down in payments of $20 or so.
  • We were told we were required to purchase the Catholic Bible and the simplified United States Catholic Catechism for Adults [red cover], offered together by the church bookstore at $25 for both.
  • One woman inquired about the cost of the books:  could she use her King James Bible? [KJV]  She clearly didn’t have the money.
  • The leader did not accept the King James Bible and offered no guidance in helping the woman access the Deuterocanonical books from some other source to use in conjunction with her KJV.
  • No options were given [book cart or loaner for class reference] for people to use Bibles and Catechisms on loan for the RCIA program.
  • The RCIA program was outlined in a well-done syllabus.  But the syllabus and RCIA program were presented as you might expect for a military induction class or freshman college class Intro to Faith.  Emphasis was on meeting all the requirements so that you will be allowed to receive the sacraments seven months from now.  Leader pointed out that people from the previous class had “failed” and did not get to receive the sacraments.
  • The list of “requirements” was interesting.  Certainly, there were good ideas on the list.  But, again, the presentation focused on the requirements.  Example:  “You are required to choose a saint.  We’ll be talking about them later.  There are some books about saints.  You will have time to get familiar with a few of them in our classes.”  Many in the class expressed anxiety about this, not having a familiarity with the saints or who they might want to choose.
  • Again, similar anxiety was expressed when we were told we were “required” to have a sponsor for entry into the church.   The instructor moved on quickly, stating, “We’ll talk more about this later in the classes.”
  • One requirement is a 3-day Crusillo retreat on the schedule for a weekend in November.  The implication is that if you do not attend the retreat, you will have “failed” to “pass” the RCIA program.   There is an additional charge for the retreat.
  • The attendee questionnaire emphasized proof of baptism and marital history.  In class, our leader said that you must be married in the RC church in order to receive sacraments at Easter.  She was speaking quickly and might have been able to more fully explain this.  But as she left it, that would tell me (if I didn’t know better) that I would not be able to enter the church.

In general, as an example of The New Evangelization, this RCIA class would not Fencesencourage any fledgling Christian who needs more understanding of the RC faith.  Instead, it would reinforce every negative stereotype about Catholics…rules…regulations…fences and walls…buying our entry into the sacraments with class fees and “works”.

Fence White I know too many agnostics, atheists and lukewarm Protestants who would not come back to RCIA if this was their introduction to the Catholic faith.

My key question? What options exist in the Roman Catholic Church structure for constructing RCIA instruction, helping well-intentioned lay people who lead these classes to effectively meet and come alongside seekers and Protestants who are willing to explore the Catholic Church?

Hopefully, this suffices to lay out my most pressing questions.  I was hoping that you, as a former Protestant, seminary graduate, and classroom teacher, might resonate with my concerns.   My heart aches for people who need the RCIA program Bible Reading Girlto lead/instruct them as Paul taught…as babes able only to drink milk.

Meanwhile, Catholic leaders speak of the need for all Christians to live a life of ongoing  renewed conversion.  What is the boundary between the introduction to learning the Catholic faith and that of the lifelong learning and ongoing conversion  we all need to embrace Catholic doctrines?

Finally…RCIA, 7 months, and “requirements”…all of this before one is “permitted” to receive the sacraments…how does this comport with Acts 2:40-41:

40 With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” 41 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.

Jesus Sheep 3The first Pope preached one day and baptized 3000.  If he was able to sufficiently catechize them in 24 hours…what are we hoping to accomplish in effectively “withholding” the sacraments for seven months?

I say this all of this with the greatest love and respect for the Catholic Church and its people.  Hopefully, it is clearly communicated, even if you are not in agreement with my concerns.

I will welcome any words you offer.







Copyright, 2014.  All Rights Reserved.

DEAR DEBORAH, Page 1 — RCIA v.1.1


Typewriter HeartDate: Thu, 12 Sep 2013

Hello, Jane,
I heard that you wanted to get in touch with me.


Writer Ink Well Scroll—–Original Message—–
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 10:23 am
Subject: RE: Hello, it is Deborah

Thank you, Deborah,

I watched your interview with Marcus on The Journey Home.  For many reasons, your personal story touched me deeply.

Specifically, for this request to connect with you, I am seeking some kind of counsel on the RCIA program I just visited.  I am a former agnostic who came to faith in my 40’s.  I am 62.  We have moved through a variety of protestant denominations and have landed at present as members of a Lutheran church.  In the past five years, largely through the influence of EWTN programming and my own reading, I am drawn to enter the Catholic Church.  My husband has no interest and seems to feel my Catholic interest is a rejection of his faith.  He is a wonderful man. He is not hostile, but hurt and wary.

With this background, I attended my first RCIA class on Wednesday.  I came away very disheartened.  I called The Journey Home ministry to get more info on the basics of RCIA, to understand the guidance given to this program from the Church, and to share my concerns.  The man I spoke with agreed that my concerns were valid.  But he had no effective suggestions.  Largely…his counsel was to wait a couple of years until “you are inside the church and then see what you can do in your own parish to bring about change for the parish.”

If you are able and willing, I would appreciate being able to discuss RCIA with you and to get your perspective.  FYI – I also taught school for 11 years, including a special emphasis on math…at a more elementary level than your own.

I remain committed to entering the Catholic Church in God’s time, giving special consideration to sharing Christian worship with my husband. I know your life is full, and if you are able to give any time to this request, I will certainly honor your limitations on such dialogue.



Typewriter Heart


Hello Jane!

I went to your site last night after I received the forwarded message.  God bless you!

Being the first Catholic on my mom’s side of the family has been a blessing most times.  I am very sensitive to the fact that they don’t agree with me, but I am also aware that sometimes I see things as a slight, when they really don’t mean it that way.  Hopefully through prayer and understanding, your husband will see that your faith will make you a better person.  The sacraments are powerful!  They have made such a difference in my life!

As far as RCIA programs go, every parish is very different.  I did a lot of research myself before ever entering RCIA.  But I have heard some bad stories from others.  I know that the program I entered was off to a very slow start.  It took a while for the teachers to hit their stride.  Perhaps you can talk to the priest about it, or even ask him questions that you need clarification on.  I know I loved classes when the priest was there.  If you have any questions or concerns, I would be happy to help if possible.  E-mail is fine; I tend to check it every few days.

Do you have a Facebook page?  I am on FB almost every day so that may be the best way to contact me.



NEXT:  DEAR DEBORAH, Page 2 – RCIA v.1.2



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RCIA v. 1

Crucifix 6

August 2012

Fifty paces ahead on the sidewalk, an arrow pointing to my left…in less than a minute I would finally be walking through the door to the RCIA* class and into the Catholic Church.

A mixture of anticipation and apprehension stirred inside me. After years of watching Catholicism play out on EWTN, of wondering if I could really become Catholic and of considering what it would mean for the rest of my life…I was officially on the journey.

Marcus Grodi, on EWTN’s The Journey Home show, each week traced the personal journeys of people just like me who had each walked through the door into the Catholic Church. Never Catechumenmissing an episode, I had identified with each of his guests – their early lives, their prejudices against Catholicism, their faith questions, their loss of family and friends who could not deal with their new faith…and most definitely…with their peace and joy when at long last they walked toward the priest for their first reception of the Eucharist.

Emotionally embracing the Catholic faith, I had finally come to that place of peace…short of the final decision. And here I was walking up the sidewalk, the decision being sealed as I reached for the handle, pulled…and walked into the room.

The moment was transformational, a personal allegory, the first movement of the first petal on a rose opening to the world, a hint of the anticipated joy when I…not someone else on a television show…when I would be walking toward the priest in full communion with the Church.

Ahh…romantic notions don’t always play out so nicely.

I surveyed the large gym being used for our RCIA classroom. It seemed as if a sixth grade class complete with its desks and teacher podium had been carefully lowered through the roof, keeping the rows and aisles clearly defined in the middle of the big open space. I introduced myself to the woman who approached. She smiled, recognizing my name from her list, and handed me an enrollment page and class syllabus. “What sacraments do you want?” she asked.

I was caught up short. Could I really be so unprepared for becoming Catholic? What did she mean? Marriage? I was already married. Communion (I should remember to call it the Eucharist)? Well…doesn’t everyone want that? Anointing of the sick? What the heck does that have to do with entering the church? I did the only thing I could think of to avoid a long discussion at the door. “I don’t know. What sacraments are there?”

RCIA Form“That’s OK,” she said. “We will go over that in class.” I walked toward the desks and chose a seat in the middle of the room.

As people joined the group, we worked to fill out our enrollments. The leader had by this time discerned the need for her to help us out. “There are seven sacraments,” she explained. It took only two minutes for her to list and explain them.

If this was a precursor of things to come, I was in a lot of trouble. The form required the kind of details I have never been good at…and for that reason…details that I have never much cared to deal with. How old am I? Every time…I have to subtract 1951 from the current year. What anniversary are my husband and I celebrating? I have to go to the file cabinet, pull out our marriage certificate and do another subtraction problem. If not careful, we may pass by our golden wedding anniversary without even knowing it.

The enrollment form had it all…questions about things I did know…how Wedding Ringsmany times have I been married? One.  How long have we been married? (Well, fewer than 50 years but more than 30…I think.)

And questions I knew nothing about…date of my confirmation…sponsor of my confirmation…place of baptism…and date….

Calendar 2012 YearWell, this was September. The class ran weekly through next March.  Seven months.  I had time to figure it all out.

Things did not get easier.

The leader went to the podium, pulled out the syllabus and began running down all the requirements for the class. We would have to buy a copy of the Catholic Catechism. Her assistant held up a red book. I was ready to check that off my list. My green copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd Ed., published by the Vatican CCCPress was clearly legit…even if it was green instead of red…one of those unnecessary details I wouldn’t let concern me.

As people began asking questions about the book and its cost, the leader addressed the green/red issue. My book was the official Vatican Catechism. The class copy – required – was the revision made by the U.S. Council of Bishops…another $20 book on my shelf.

Bible RC IgnatiusThe assistant held up a copy of the wine colored Ignatius Catholic Bible required for the class. Wine? Check. My Bible matches this time. I just saved myself $20.

But things were adding up fast: $60 cost for the class, $40 for books and $80 for a required Cursillo retreat in November.

Bible OpenThe lady to my left on the other side of the aisle raised her hand. “I’ve got a King James Bible. [KJV]”  The leader was insistent…the KJV version wouldn’t work. “But what’s the difference. I have a Bible.” I waited for the leader to help the lady understand the distinctions between the two versions of the Bible.

“They’re not the same. They are different.” In frustration, a man in the front row turned around and said loudly he would pay for the her Bible. Tension was building in the room.

I wanted to lean over and reassure her of the validity of both her Bible and her question. I sat in the middle of a room clearly divided into two  groups representing the parish. On my left, tattooed men and women were dressed in work jeans and shirts. On my right, people were in button down shirts, dress slacks and dresses. While the man had offered to cover the $20, she still had $160 left to worry about, even if the leader had said people could break it down into payments. And, while he intended his offer out of kindness, for the person publicly identified as “too poor to afford a Bible,” kindness is not much better than condescension.

Maybe my failure to appreciate details was finally catching up with me. Did it mean I might not have what it takes to be Catholic? I just couldn’t figure out why her KJV was illegitimate in its totality. I kept waiting to see Christian charity modeled by the leader, “Sure. You can use your KJV, and we will help you with the other additions from the Catholic Bible. Just check with me after the class.”

Things did not improve. Marching down the syllabus, our leader picked upRCIA Form speed.

“You will need a sponsor.”

“What is that? I don’t know anyone. What do they do?” Looks of concern and confusion clouded faces as questions popped up randomly from around the room.

St. Francis IconDon’t worry about that. We’ll talk about it in another class. If you can’t find one, we will find one. Let’s move on. You will need to choose a saint.”

“What is that?” More clouded faces and popping questions. “How do we do that? I don’t know any saints. How do we know which saint to choose?”

“Don’t worry about that. We’ll talk about it in another class. We will help you. Let’s move on. I’m passing around a page. Make sure you get one. Each week you will need to write down one charitable deed you did for each day and turn this page in to me when you come to class.”

“What…what…what…?” The questions were moving quickly from lack of understanding about how to do the assignments to lack of understanding for why.

“Don’t worry. It’s not that hard. You don’t have to make it difficult…like mowing someone’s yard. It can be as simple as smiling at someone. That is a charitable act…and that is part of being Catholic. I won’t be grading them.”

My mind wandered away from the discussion of charitable deeds in order to deal with more pragmatic and personal questions.

This was the beginning of weekly classes from September through to March 31, Easter. Calendar 2013 MarWhile I now knew which of the seven sacraments I needed, that had become secondary to the question of whether or not it made sense to complete the class. After all, my husband was not at peace with the whole Catholic/Protestant division. Considering our marriage as a vocation, and validated by a woman on The Journey Home who had lived my situation, I knew I would not formally join the church until my husband reached personal peace about the change. He didn’t have to become Catholic himself, but it was important that he be at peace with my decision. There was no sign that this would come by Easter. Maybe RCIA could wait for another year…and another class.

I mentally re-entered the world. Time for the class being short, the leader took the last few minutes to go around the room, all of the students and leaders giving a brief statement of who we were and why we were in the class…did we want to become Catholic and why?

A prayer was offered. Cookies were on the back table.

I walked back to the leader and thanked her for the class, explaining that, now knowing what the RCIA process was like, it might be more appropriate for me to wait and take the class when I knew for certain that I would be able to enter the church at the end.

As I walked through the door, back into my former world, my mind was churning, Crucifix 6my heart was pumping, and my eyes were burning. “Wow.”  And I exhaled as slowly as possible.


*RCIA: Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults, the educational class, teaching the basic doctrines of Christianity and the Catholic Church, preparing adults (catechumens) to enter the Roman Catholic Church. In current practice, the class meets weekly beginning in the fall and culminates 7 to 8 months later at Easter Vigil Mass of the following spring with entrance for the catechumens into the Church.





Copyright, 2014.  All Rights Reserved.

Don’t Get Mad

The worst part of this writing project is that it involves a heavy discussion of religion.

Crucifix 5Well..actually…the very worst part of this project is that it involves the Catholic religion.

I shudder when I consider Internet Comboxes on religious websites. There is simply no way to have a civil discussion about faith. In short time, someone will write an attack on someone else, and like flies to cows, the Combox will fill with absolutely Bee YJ Closeuseless vitriol.

And those are the “good” comments. If the blog merely mentions the Catholic faith, you will draw killer flies, hornets, Africanized bees and tarantula hawks. I know what I am in for.

I am not only going to mention the Catholic Church. I am going to mention it in every line. Please, please, please…don’t get mad.  I am going to question it, challenge it and confront it. But, it’s not what you might think.

Heads-up. I love the Catholic Church. I want to join the Catholic Church. And, when I first pursued her (the Church is the Bride of Christ – her), I thought we were a match made in heaven. I called the contact in the church bulletin and put my name on the list for RCIA, their class for new members.

CCCDuring the course of my years working in a pro-life arena, I came to understand, appreciate and agree with the Catholic  pro-life position on everything…yes…everything, including the thorny issue of contraception. I amassed a library, courtesy of Amazon, of books on every aspect of the Catholic faith: the Reformation, early church fathers, the Saints, prayer, biographies…and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd Edition.

In the car, I continue to catch the Rosary with Fr. Benedict Groeschel. Between Patrick Coffin and Patrick Madrid, on the highway, I have traveled at least 150 hours’ worth of Q&A with radio listeners asking Catholic questions, including pointed challenges to the “Patricks” each of whom welcomes challenges from non-Catholics.

Meanwhile, at home on television, the EWTN schedule of programs covers every aspect of The New Evangelization. I Live Right with Dr. Ray, yell, “Go get ‘em, ladies,” to the women with The Catholic View, Consume the Word with Dr. Scott, track current news with Raymond Arroyo and remain ready at any moment to Grab my Catechism.

Daily, I receive the Saint of the Day via e-mail, recording each of the Saint’s names and dates in my St. Francis Icondevotional journal. Measuring their accomplishments against my own life, I come up short. And I have no time to “catch up.” I calculate the age of each saint at death. Few make it past 65. Both my father and mother died at 62. I am 63.

The saints, reaching out to me through the centuries,  inspired me to attend the last two West Coast Walk for Life events in San Francisco and to travel to Jamaica to volunteer with the Missionaries of the Poor.

OK. I hear you. It’s not all about me. I get it. None of this is intended to vouch for my personal and perfect understanding of everything Catholic.

Praying Hands GoldIt’s simply that some of it is about me. And considering that the protestants took me out of agnosticism when I was raw and untested, when I had never cracked a Bible and had to learn the Our Father…I figured I was at least ready, after twenty years of dedication to Christ, to enter the Catholic Church and fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life, to which you were called and for which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. [1Tim 6:12]

I was wrong.





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